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B (80) | C (8) | D (8) | H (28) | M (67) | O (6) | P (27) | T (3)
Programme Sort descending School Education Level
Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Clinical Sciences Community Health Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Crop Protection Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Crop Science Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Development Studies Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Economics Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with major Home Economics Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with major in Biology Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Major in Health Education Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Major in Human Kinetics Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Major in Mathematics Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Majors in Chemistry Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Majors in Economics Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Majors in Geography Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Education with Majors in Physics Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Telecommunication Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Energy Studies Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Environment and Development Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Chemistry Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Quality Control Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Physics Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Geography Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management (General) Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Peace and Development Studies Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Physics Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Computer Science Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Telecommunication option Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Rural Development Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Rural Development Studies Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Social Work Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Sociology Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Soil Science Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors