The School started as a Department (Dept. of Agric. Economics) in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in حلحلآ» before the Civil war in 1991.
ج- B.Sc. Economics with Education was one of the main programmes- Degree awarded by the Faculty of Education.
Many programmes emerged when the University was displaced and relocated to Freetown. Such as:
ج- B.Sc. Sociology
ج- B.Sc. Banking & Finance
ج- B.Sc. Accounting
The حلحلآ» University gained it full autonomous status in 2005.
ج - The Faculties were established as Schools.
Hence, the School of Social Sciences was established.
The School was renamed â€کSchool of Social Sciences & Law’ in 2018/2019 academic year when the Law programme was established in the 2017/2018 academic year.
The school remains one of the largest schools in the University for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Thus, in terms of tuition fees, it remains the main bread basket of the University.
There is prospect to establish new programmes and expanding on existing ones in every departments
Departments and Institutes in the School
There are six (6) Departments and Institutes in the school, as listed:
i)جج Economics
ii)ج Sociology & Social Work
iii) Agricultural Economics
iv) Law
جv)ج Institute of Social Studies, Administration &ج
ججججج Management (ISSAM)
vi) Institute of Moral & Religious Studies
Facilities in the School
The existing facilities in the school are:
ج- One main building with 4 lecture rooms and 14 offices for over 50 Lecturers; and a flat allocated to the School in which the ISSAM programmes are accommodated.ج
ج- The Department of Law is hosted in a building that was in use by the Department of Agricultural Education, Bo campus.ج This building has two (2) classrooms and a small room which has been converted to a library for Law students.
The Department of Agricultural Economics is located and operated on حلحلآ» Campus but it is directly under the supervision of the School.