The School of Education is a founding faculty of University, and for over fifty years, its mandate continues to be to provide specialization through degrees, diplomas and certificates for teachers in all the school disciplines at all levels of the educational system. The School also ensures that staff and students become interested in new paradigms of teaching and in educational research. The School is presently located at Towama, Bo Campus, but lectures are conducted in the campuses of the University: Bo and and Freetown location.
The School of Education offers both NCTVA programmes and university programmes. NCTVA programmes include: Teachers’ Certificate, Higher Teachers Certificate Primary and Higher Teachers Certificate Secondary. The School is famous for its robust post graduate programmes and many of its graduates include most of the principals and senior administrators of educational institutions and agencies in Sierra Leone.
As a result of the present low enrolment of students especially in the Sciences, languages and Creative Practical Arts programmes, the departments and institutes are now embarking on programmes and strategies to increase access, improve the quality of education and to meet the needs of today’s workforce. These include: the introduction of new programmes and the inception of the distance education mode of learning in the Southern region of Sierra Leone which runs programmes at the T.C, HTC (P), HTC (S), B.Ed. specializing in the school subjects and the Post Graduate Diploma in Education.
👉🏼The Department of Teacher Education
👉🏼The Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education (KINHED)
👉🏼The Department of Agricultural and Home Economics Education
👉🏼The Department of Mathematics and Integrated Science
👉🏼The Institute of Languages and Cultural Studies (INSLACS)
👉🏼The Centre for Pedagogical Excellence
Department of Teacher Education
The Department offers the following programmes:
Research Degrees
📚PhD in Education
Entry Requirements
For admission into the PhD programme, candidates must have obtained at the M.Ed. degree, a GPA of 4.2 with an A grade in dissertation writing or;
An M.Phil. degree in Education
📚M.Phil. in Education
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have obtained the M.Ed. degree, a GPA of 3.6 with a B grade in dissertation writing
M. Ed degree
Candidates can choose one of the four areas of specialization:
👉🏼M.Ed. in Guidance and Counselling
👉🏼M.Ed. in Curriculum Studies
👉🏼M.Ed. in Educational Administration and Management
👉🏼M.Ed. in Measurement and Evaluation
Entry Qualifications
Candidates must have a degree in B.A. Ed or a B.Sc. Ed or B.Ed. from a recognized university
📚Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have a degree from a recognized university.
The Department offers the following undergraduate degrees:
👉🏼B.A. Education, Political Science
👉🏼B.Ed. Early Childhood Care and Education
👉🏼B.Ed. (General, School Subjects)
👉🏼B.Ed. Adult Education
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have:
Five credits or better at WASSCE or O’ Levels in not more than two sittings or;
a T.C. or HTC (P) or HTC (S) and 4 credits at WASSCE or GCE O’ Levels
HTC (P), HTC (S) and TC. These are programmes whose examining body is the NCTVA.
📘Teachers Certificate (TC)
Entry Requirements
Two Credits or better at WASSCE or at the O’ Levels in not more than two sittings.
📘Higher Teachers Certificate (HTC) (P)
Entry Requirements
Three credits or better at WASSCE or O’ Levels in not more than two sittings or;
T.C and three years teaching experience
📘Higher Teachers Certificate (HTC) (S)
Entry Requirements
Four credits or better at WASSCE or O’ Levels in not more than two sittings, or
T.C. and four credits in WASSCE or O’ Levels in not more than two sittings.
Institute of Languages and Cultural Studies
The Institute comprises two Units: *(i)* the Languages Unit (comprising the disciplines of Linguistics, English, French and Indigenous Languages) and *(ii)* the Cultural Studies Unit (comprising the disciplines of Literature, Performing Arts, Creative Practical Arts and Development Communication).
INSLACS provides training opportunities at the following levels:
Teachers Certificate (TC) and Higher Teachers Certificate (HTC) – Primary and Secondary,
Bachelor of Arts in Education (B.A.Ed.) and Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Honours) in Linguistics, Literature and English.
Master of Arts: (i) M.A. Ed. (Literature) (ii) M. A. Descriptive and Applied Linguistics (iii) M. A. English (iv) M. A. in other disciplines of INSLACS depending upon the availability of capable staff.
M.Phil. and Ph.D. in the Disciplines of the Institute, subject to the availability of supervisors.
📚M. A. in Descriptive and Applied Linguistics
Candidates must have a good B.A. degree in a related field from a recognized University and must have credits or better in English Language and Literature in English at G.C.E. “O” Level/WASSCE.
📚M.A. Literature Education
Candidates must have a good B.A. degree in a related field from a recognized University and must have credits or better in English Language and Literature in English at G.C.E. “O” Level/WASSCE.
For admission into the M.Phil. programme, a good master’s degree in related discipline from a recognized University is required.
PhD in Literature or Linguistics
For admission into the PhD programme, please see requirements into PhD programmes of the School
🖊️B. A. [Education: Linguistics or Literature major] (Duration 4 years)
Candidates must have 5 credits at G.C.E. “O” Level/WASSCE including English Language and Literature in English.
🖊️B. A. Education (French/Linguistics)
Candidates must have 5 credit at G.C.E. 'O' Level/WASSCE including English Language and French.
This programme will be available in 2020/2021 Academic year
🖊️B.A. in Development Communication and Journalism
Candidates must have 5 credits at G.C.E. “O” Level or at WASSCE; a candidate must have a credit of 5 or better in English Language.
📰Certificate in Development Communication*
Candidates must have Two (2) credits at G.C.E. “O” Level/WASSCE and working in a media industry.
📰Diploma in Development Communication and Journalism
Candidates must have
Four credits at G.C.E. “O” Level or at WASSCE in any subjects.
Three credits at G.C.E. “O” Level or at WASSCE in any subjects with three (3) years’ working experience in Journalism, communications or in media related career.
Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education
📚PhD (Edu.)– Exercise Physiology
📚PhD (Edu.)– Sports Administration & Management
📚MPhil (Edu.)– Sports Administration & Management for Higher Degree Programmes
📚M.Phil (Edu.) Exercise Physiology
📚MSc (Edu.)– Exercise Physiology
📚MA (Edu.)– Sports Administration & Management
a. Five Credits or better in West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or Levels in not more than two (2) sittings
b. Division II (Div. 2) or better in Bachelor’s Degree. There is also provision for Division III (Div. 3) in Bachelor’s Degree with working experience in the relevant discipline.
c. Research abstract in the topic of interest in consultation with departmental supervisor
Master’s Degree with 3.6 FGPA or better, with a “B” Grade or better in Thesis Writing for MPhil and 4.2 FGPA or better, with an “A” Grade in Thesis Writing for PhD
📒B.Ed – Human Kinetics & Kinesiology
📓BSc (Edu.)– Human Kinetics & Kinesiology for Undergraduate Programmes
Applicants must have Senior Secondary School (SSS) Level Certificates in English Language and any four of the following: Health Science/Education, Physical Education, Biology, Agriculture, Core Science, Home Sciences, General Arts, Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. The minimum grades required will always be a credit at WASSCE/GCE Level in each subject not more than two sittings. There is also provision for matured candidates.
📖BSc (Edu.) – Health Education & Nutrition for Undergraduate Programmes
Applicants must have Senior Secondary School (SSS) Level Certificates in English Language and any four of the following: Health Science, Physical Education, Biology, Agriculture, Core Science, Home Sciences, General Arts, Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. The minimum grades required will always be a credit at WASSCE/GCE O’ Levels in each subject not more than two sittings. There is also provision for matured candidates.
All students are admitted for general degree in the first instance. Only students with Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.6 and above at the end of Second Year will be invited for Honours Programme. This, however, is not presently automatic. The Institute, through a committee, will have to decide and approve.
📘Higher Teachers Certificate (Secondary) in Physical Health Education
📘Higher Teachers Certificate (Primary) Physical Health Education and
Department of Agricultural and Home Economics Education*
👉🏼B.Sc. Agricultural Education
👉🏼B.Sc, Home Economics Education
Entry Requirements
Five Credits or better in WASSCE or O’Levels in not more than two sittings. Departmental requirements include: credit in at least two of the following: Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, or Physics
Home Sciences applicants must have, in addition, at least two (2) credits or better in, Home Management, Clothing and Textiles, Food and Nutrition etc.
Applicants with HTC (S) Certificate may be considered for entry into the Second year of the programme.
📚M.Sc in Agricultural Education
Entry Qualifications
A good degree in Agricultural Education from a recognized university. Successful candidates with a B.Ed. Agricultural Education degree may have to do some undergraduate courses.
📚M.Sc. Home Economics Education
Entry Qualification
Candidates with a degree in either B.Sc. Home Economics Ed., B.Ed. Home Economics or related degrees from a recognized university.
The Centre for Pedagogical Excellence comprises six units:
👉🏼Distance Learning Unit
👉🏼Short Courses
Science Education
👉🏼Curriculum material development
👉🏼Orientation of new staff of the university
👉🏼Teacher Development programmes
👉🏼Science Curriculum Development Centre
The Centre operates under the Centre for Pedagogical Excellence and the following programmes are being offered:
📚PhD in Science Education
Entry Qualifications
For admission into the PhD programme, candidates must have obtained the M.Sc. degree, a GPA of 4.2 or better with an A grade in dissertation writing or:
An M. Phil. Degree in Science Education
📚M.Phil. in Science Education
Entry Qualifications
Candidates must have obtained the M.Sc. degree, a GPA minimum of 3.6 with a B grade in dissertation writing
📚M.Sc. Education degree
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have a degree in B.Sc. or B.Ed. specializing in the Sciences.
📚Post Graduate Diploma in Science Education
Entry Requirements
Candidates must have a degree from a recognized university.
The distance education mode of learning is operating under the Centre for Pedagogical Excellence.
1. Bo
2. Moyamba`
3. Pujehun
4. Bonthe Mainland – Moriba Town
5. Bonthe Island
6. Kono
Programmes Offered
👉🏼H.T.C. (S)
👉🏼H.T.C. (P)
Entry Requirements
These are the same as for the traditional mode of learning which have already been stated.

Dean, School of Education
Email: [email protected]