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B (80) | C (8) | D (8) | H (28) | M (67) | O (6) | P (27) | T (3)
Programme Sort descending School Education Level
Bachelor of Art in Development Communication Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Art in Political Science Education Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors CRK Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors English Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors History Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors in French Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors in Linguistics Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors in Literature Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Arts in Education with Majors Political Science Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Education (Nursery and Pre-school Education) Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Education (with various options) Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Education Distance Learning Education
Bachelor of Law (LLB) Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science (honours) in Forestry Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Wildlife Management and Conservation Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Wood Science Natural Resources Management Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Accounting Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Communication and Media Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Education Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture General Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health and Production Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Applied Ecology and Conservation Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics (Biophysics Option) Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics (with Bio Physics option) Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance Social Sciences & Law Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Business and Information Technology Technology Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Environmental Sciences Bachelors
Bachelor of Science in Clothing & Textile (Hon) Agriculture and Food Sciences Bachelors