The Institute of Environmental Management and Quality Control (IEMQC) was operationalised in 2006 in effort to foster sustainable development through environmental research, human resource development in the environmental sectors and quality assurance unit. Its establishment in 2006 was guided by the University Act of 2005. The main purpose of IEMQC is to foster sustainable development in Sierra Leone by creating a centre where solutions for environmental management and quality issues can be envisaged and addressed through research and training .In recent years, the institute has admitted qualified local and internationals students into diploma and degree programs. At present, the enrolment has 21% female students and 79% male students for the diploma and undergraduate programs, while the M.Sc. programme has 14% female students and 86% male students.
In the University Senate’s approved document, the institute’s degree programme structure includes practical based courses in the areas of environmental monitoring techniques, water quality analysis, water pollution monitoring, soil quality management, air quality management, food and drug quality and safety, remote sensing (RS) , geographic information systems (GIS), waste management, climate change, environmental impact assessment, environmental wildlife management, etc. In so doing, students are given the opportunity to understand the techniques and provided the requisite skills to apply conceptual framework into practical learning.
One of the core activities of the IEMQC is to undertake research in environmental management. Through its linkages, the institute has maintained a strong research capacity. The collaborative nature of work with a mix of pure and applied sciences in the School of Environmental Sciences has provided a research environment for both staff and students. Collaborative efforts have been extended to institutions like Environment Protection Agency Sierra Leone (EPA-SL), National Protected Area Authority (NPAA), Sierra Leone Meteorological Department (SLMD), Sierra Leone Standards Bureau (SLSB), Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment (MLCPE), Pharmacy Board Sierra Leone (PBSL) etc.Μύ
It is the expressed hope of this Institute that Sierra Leone will contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with sound environmental management practices enhanced in training and research.
Our Vision
To ensure that the carrying capacity of our environment is sustainably managed.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Institute is to be an environmental management and quality assurance solution centre for sustainable development in Sierra Leone.