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As it Contributes to Government HCD… ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University Matriculates 807 Distance Learners

µþ²â:ÌýÌýAlhaji Umaru Gbow


ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University, 25th May, 2021- ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University has on Saturday 22nd May 2021 concluded the 2020/2021 matriculation for 807 Distance Learners in all seven centers operating under the University’s Distance Education program.

The matriculation ceremonies started at the Potoru center, Pujehun District on 5th May 2021 and continued to Koribondo, Bo, Pujehun, Kono, Moyamba, and Bonthe centers.


Matriculation ceremonies are part of a long-standing tradition in the University in which freshmen are obliged to take the oath to meet all the rules and regulations of the University thereby making them bonafide students of the University after the signing of the University register.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Dr. Muneer Jalloh while presenting the matriculants at the various centers asserted to the DVC, Bo Campus that the matriculating students have fulfilled the requirements of the University, and therefore would have their names entered in the roll of members of ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University.

The National Coordinator for the Distance Learning program, Dr. Tamba Kebbie welcomed the new intakes and thanked them for choosing ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University as their citadel of learning, adding that the University had brought Education to their doorsteps and their responsibility now was to make good use of the opportunity.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Bo Campus, Professor Mohamed Syed Fofanah while addressing matriculants on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal welcomed the students into the Teacher Certificate (TC), Higher Teacher Certificate (HTC), and the Postgraduate programs of the Distance Education program.

DVC Bo professor Mohamed Syed Fofanah admitting the matriculants to the various Teacher Education programs at the School of Education

Professor Fofanah further admonished the students to uphold the good image of the University by way of maintaining a decent dress code, abiding by the rules, regulations, and instructions of the University. He added that they would only be recognised as bonafide students when they had completed their Registration process.

"It is mandatory for all students to attend lectures and must be punctual, complete your assignments on time and take part in all continuous assessments," DVC emphasised.

The Prof. also implored matriculants to exhibit a high sense of discipline by respecting their supervisors and colleagues, adding that they must use social media responsibly for research work and decent communication. He warned them not to be members of any antisocial group.

DVC ended his brief statement by encouraging students to have their Identity Cards as it is a way of identifying them as bonafide members of the University.

Community authorities, relatives, and well-wishers who graced the ceremony lauded the program and thanked the University for bringing the much-needed Education to their doorsteps, promising that they would work assiduously for the sustainability of the program.

Mayor, Bonthe Municipal Council, His Worship Leyemin Joe Sandi added that his leadership will provide land for the establishment of the proposed ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University Bonthe Campus.

ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University Distance Education program was established three years ago under the Centre for Pedagogical Excellence in the School of Education and has centers in Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba, Pujehun, Kono, Koribondo, and Potoru.

Programs offered under this model include Bachelor of Education, Post Graduate Diploma in Education, Higher Teacher Certificate (Secondary), Higher Teacher Certificate (Primary), and Teacher Certificate.


For more enquiries, contact the Public Relations Office, ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University on +23276336213/+23276245292/Email: [email protected] /[email protected]
