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Prof. Richard Wadsworth
Former Director of Research

Professional Profile

Prof. Richard Wadsworth's primary role focuses on providing expert advice on statistics and numerical methods, particularly in spatial data and the analysis of "messy" data. His research encompasses diverse topics from land cover mapping to health statistics.

Experience in Sierra Leone

His journey in Sierra Leone began in 1981 as the "swamp development officer" for the Magbosi Integrated Agricultural Development Project until 1984.

Educational Initiatives

Following the 2002 peace deal, he secured Darwin Initiative funding for a two-year technology transfer project, teaching Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems, and Remote Sensing at Fourah Bay College.

Career Transition

After 20 years with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, including 15 years as head of the GIS section, he relocated to Sierra Leone as an Adjunct Professor at ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University in 2011.

Current Projects

At ÍáÍáÂþ»­, he has successfully secured funding for various initiatives:

  • Darwin Initiative project on alternative livelihoods for marine Protected Areas communities
  • German Ministry of Agriculture research on under-utilized species
  • EPSRC project on renewable energy for food processing

Research Supervision

Currently co-supervising multiple PhD students working on:

  • Sustainability of Sierra Leone's charcoal business (John Koroma)
  • Biodiversity studies on rodents and bats (Ibrahim Bakarr and Jonathan Johnney)
  • Indigenous technical knowledge and cassava genetics (Janatu Saidu)

Academic Impact

Published 45 journal papers and authored a book on Geographic Information Systems. Current h-index: 24 according to .

Contact Info
BSc (Hons), Land Surveying Science, Newcastle University, 1981.
MSc, Irrigation Engineering, Southampton University, 1986. Thesis “Estimating stream flow in catchments having limited dataâ€
PhD, Newcastle University, 1995. Thesis “Integrating environmental impact assessment and land use planning using a decision support systemâ€
MBA (Distinction), Loughborough University, 2001. Thesis “The tendering game: can the schizophrenic organization survive in the incestuous market?â€

Career History

2012-date Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, School of Environmental Science, ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University, Sierra Leone
2014-2015 Research Fellow, School Environment, Energy and Agri-Food, Cranfield University, UK
2008-2011 Mathematical Modeller / Biometrician, Shore Section, CEH Lancaster, UK
2007-2008 Data Scientist, Environmental Informatics Programme, CEH Lancaster, UK
1994-2006 Head GIS Group, CEH Monks Wood, UK
1989-1994 Research Associate, NELUP, Newcastle University, UK
1987-1989 Research Associate, CLUWRR, Newcastle University, UK
1986-1987 Research Assistant, Hydraulics Research Ltd. Wallingford, UK
1984-1985 Land surveyor, Longdin & Browning. Surveys in Kuwait, Sudan and Oman
1981-1984 Swamp Development Officer, Magbosi IADP, Sierra Leone

Refereed Journal Papers

Angold PG, Sadler JP, Hill MO, Pullin A, Rushton S, Austin K, Small E, Wood B, Wadsworth R.A., Sanderson R, Thompson K. 2006. Biodiversity in urban habitat patches. Science of the Total Environment 360: 196-204 (cited by 285)
Collingham, Y.C., Wadsworth, R.A., Willis, S.G., Huntley, B. & Hulme, P.E. 2000. Predicting the spatial distribution of alien riparian species: issues of spatial scale? Journal of Applied Ecology 37 13-27 (cited by 208)
Wadsworth R.A., Collingham Y.C., Willis S.G., Huntley B & Hulme P.E. 2000. Simulating the spread and management of alien riparian weeds: are they out of control? Journal of Applied Ecology 37 28-38 (cited by 162)
Comber A.J., Fisher P.F. & Wadsworth R.A. 2005. What is land cover? Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 32(2) 199-209 (cited 126)
Gerard, F., et al. 2010. Land cover change in Europe between 1950 to 2000 determined employing aerial photography. Progress in Physical Geography, 34(2) 183-205 (cited by 88)
Comber A.J., Fisher P.F. & Wadsworth R.A. 2004. Integrating land-cover data with different ontologies: identifying change from inconsistency International Journal of Geographic Information Science 18(7), 691-708 (cited by 85)
Arnot, C., Fisher, P.F., Wadsworth R.A. & Wellens J., 2004. Landscape Metrics with Ecotones: pattern under uncertainty. Landscape Ecology 19 181-195 (cited by 79)
Comber A., Fisher P.F. & Wadsworth R.A. 2003. Actor-network theory: a suitable framework to understand how land cover mapping projects develop? Land Use Policy 20(4) 299-309 (cited by 67)
Fisher P.F., Arnot C., Wadsworth R.A. & Wellens J. 2006. Detecting change in vague interpretations of landscape. Ecological informatics 1(2) 163-178 (cited by 64)
Culshaw, M.G., et al. 2006. The role of web-based environmental information in urban planning -- the environmental information system for planners. Science of the Total Environment. 360(1) 233-245 (cited by 62)
Cox R. Wadsworth R.A. & Thomson A.G. 2003. Long-term changes in salt marsh extent affected by channel deepening in a modified estuary. Continental Shelf Research. 23(17) 1833-1846 (cited by 54)
Thomson A.G., Fuller R.M., Yates M.G., Brown S.L., Cox R. & Wadsworth R.A. 2003. The use of airborne remote sensing for extensive mapping of inter-tidal sediments and saltmarshes in Eastern England. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(13) 2717-2737 (cited by 53)