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Prof. Alieu Mohamed Bah
Dean, School of Agriculture
prof bah
Contact Info
PhD. Crop Science, 2011, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou City, P.R. China
M.Sc. in Agricultural Education; 2006; ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University
B.Sc. in Agricultural Education; 1993; ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University College, University of Sierra Leone


  • March, 2012 to date: Senior Lecturer and Head, Crop Science Department, ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University, ÍáÍáÂþ»­ Campus.
  • December, 2000 to February 2012: Principal, Kulafai Rashideen Islamic Secondary School, Moyamba
  • December, 2002 to August 2008: Tutor Freetown Teachers College Distance Education in charge of Community Development Studies and Agricultural Sciences, Moyamba Centre.
  • January, 1994 to 1997: Co-operating Teacher Department of Agricultural Education, ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University College, University of Sierra Leone.
  • 1994 ~ 1999: Managing Director, Kaiyamba Gbotima Poultry Farmers Association, Moyamba.
  • 2001 --2012: Secretary General MODCAR 94.8 FM Board of Trustees.
  • 2004: Field Officer Sierra Leone Census in charge of Kaiyamba Chiefdom ,Moyamba District.
  • 2004 to 2008: Chairman Moyamba District Hospital Board
  • 2002 to 2008: Zonal Secretary Council of Principal of Secondary School, Moyamba District.
  • 2005 to 2006: Supervisor, Moyamba District Universal Birth Registration Project.
  • School Farm and Clonal garden Coordinator 2013 to date
  • Farm Practice Coordinator 2013 to date
  • Coordinator (Ag. Dean) School of Agriculture-6th May to 15th July 2014
  • Acting Director ÍáÍáÂþ»­ Institute for Career Enhancement.(NICE) 2014 to date
  • Regional Review on the Right of the Child Radio Campaign, held in the Republic of Guinea from the 6th October to 12 November, 2002. Support by Plan Sierra Leone.
  • Regional Conference on Universal Birth Registration held in the Republic of The Gambia from the 26th October to the 2nd of November, 2005.
  • ÌýMission to Ghana on study tour on the Ghana Health Delivery System, 19th November to 30th November 2006.
  • Final coordination meeting for RAF5066 and first coordination meeting for the new project RAF5076. 18 to 22 April, 2016. Dakar Senegal
  • Regional (AFRA) Training course on mutation breeding, field experimental design, and data analyses. 9 to 13 May, 2016, Cotonou, Benin
  • Regional training in the field of Strengthening Laboratory capabilities to evaluate and monitor levels of Mycotoxins, toxic metals and related contaminants in Foods from 15th to 26th August 2016 at the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Central Laboratory, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria.


RESEARCH/PUBLICATIONS Articles in learned journals

  • ÌýBahAlieu M · Jing Zhao · Huaxin Dai · Yue Cai ·Hongyan Sun · Guoping Zhang · Feibo Wu*,2010. Effect of Cadmium, Chromium and Lead of Growth, Metal Uptake and Antioxidative Capacity in Typhaangustifolia. Journal of Biological Trace Element Research. Do1:10.10007/s12011-010-8746-6(IF=1.12)
  • Alieu MohamedBah1, HongyanSun1, FeiChen1, JingZhou,HuaxinDai,GuopingZhang,FeiboWu2010. Comparative Proteomic analysis of Typhaangustifolia leaf under Chromium, Cadmium and Lead stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials 184: 191-203. (IF=4.14).
  • XIANHONG CHEN1, ALIEU MOHAMED BAH2, LI LIN3, SHUIJIN ZHU4 and FEIBO WU52012.Differences in physiological traits and proteinÌýÌýÌý expression between glyphosate-tolerant glandless cotton and it yields. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (11): 961–71, November 2012..
  • Bah, A.M., Yue, C., Chen, X. and Zhang, G..2014. Exogenous BRs modified the antioxidant enzymes and ameliorate the effect of Cd stress in the leaves and roots of C. olitorius. Indian Journal of Advances In plantÌýÌýÌýÌý Research (IJAPR), 2014, 1 ( ) - ; ISSN: ABCD-OXYZ
  • Alieu Mohamed Bah1 &Chen Xion Hong1 & Edwin J.J. Momoh2 &Guoping Zhang1 &Feibo Wu1. 2015. Effect of different nitrogen forms in alleviating cadmium-induced changes on plant growth, metal accumulation, oxidative and antioxidative enzymes in Solanum aethiopicum plant. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Volume-2, Issue-4 (April 2015) ISSN: (2349-4077) (IF=2.818)
  • Bah Alieu Mohamed and DaiÌý Huaxin. 2015 Effect of Cadmium, Chromium and Lead on ultrastructure, GSH and Free Cysteine in Typhaangustifolia. Transcriptomic 3: 15. Doi: 10.4172/2329-8936.1000115.
  • Jalloh Saidu O1, Kanneh Salia M2, and Bah Alieu M1. Ìý2017 ÌýEvaluation of tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) genotypes for adaptation and yield components on the njala upland soil southern sierra leone
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