- A professional animal scientist with 27 years working with domestic animals and pets in urban and rural communities in Sierra Leone.
- Experienced in raise awareness educate and train rural people on sound animal husbandry practices, disease control and prevention and environmental sanitation.
- A Professional expert in One Health and rabies. Conducted the first world rabies day and vaccinated animals against rabies and another disease in the north, south and eastern parts of Sierra Leone.
- Represent University as an animal expert in Ministries and international organization to develop the National Action Plan for Health Security 2016-2021 and Joint External Evaluation (JEE) IN Liberia.
- Experienced in mobilizing rural communities to increase food production, income and alleviate poverty.
- Experienced in conducting social science research, properly manage donor funds and submit accurate financial reports on time.
List of Publications
Kerstin Fischer, Juliet Jabaty, Roland Suluku, Thomas Strecker, Allison Groseth, Sarah K Fehling, Anne Balkema-Buschmann, Bashiru Koroma, Kristina M Schmidt Christine Atherstone Hana M Weingartl, Thomas C Mettenleiter, Martin H Groschup, Thomas Hoenen, Sandra Diederich.. Serological Evidence for the Circulation of Ebolaviruses in Pigs From Sierra Leone The Journal of Infectious Diseases, jiy330, Published:05 July 2018
Roland Suluku1, Alpha Tejan Jalloh2 and Emikpe B.O3 (2018) Implementing One Health Concept In rural communities; Approaches and Challenges in Sierra Leone. African Journal of Biomedical Research (Fees paid,awaiting Publication)
Roland Suluku, Abu Macavoray, Juana P. Moiwo and Bashiru M. Koroma (2018) Effect of PPR disease on socio-economic characteristics of farmers in Moyamba District, Sierra Leone(Fees paid for awaiting Publication)
One Health A Paradigm Shift in Fighting Infectious Disease (2018)
Bashiru Koroma1*, Roland Suluku1, Linda Oskam2, Kwadwo Koram3, Kofi Bonney3 and William Ampofo3 and Linda Oskam (2017)Evolution of Zoonotic and EVD Responses in Sierra Leone-Laboratory Capacity Strengthening at University Journal of Environmental Research.iMedPub Journals Vol.1: No.1: 2.www,iMedpub.com
Suluku R1 Nyandeboh J.P.J1 Kallon M.N1, Barrie A2 Kabba B2, Koroma B.M1 & * Emikpe B.O3.( 2017) Case report First Reported Case of Dog Associated Cattle Rabies in Koinadugu District, Northern Sierra Leone. Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 20 (September 2017); 309- 316
Koroma, B.M; Gogra, A.B; Kawa, K.Y; Suluku, R and Bangura, U (2016). Systematic Review for Community Health System Planning and Services in Sierra Leone, Journal of Pharma Science 2016 (1):1, ISSN: ABCD-0000. Received 21 June 2016, Accepted 20 July 2016, P10-23, Journal homepage:
Richards P1,Amara J1,Ferme MC2,Kamara P1,Sheriff AI1,Suluku R1,Voors M3( 2015).Social Pathways for Ebola Virus Disease in Rural Sierra Leone, and Some Implications for Containment PLoS Negl Trop Dis,2015 Apr 17:9(4):e0003567.doi:10.1371/journal of Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Paul Richards, Joseph Amara, Esther Mokuwa, Alfred Mokuwa Roland Suluku (2015) What causes Ebola Virus Disease? View from Four Villages on the Edge of The Rain Forest National Park, Sierra Leone. Retrieved From . Journal of Anthropological Clinical research.
Paul Richards, Joseph Amara, Esther Mokuwa, Alfred Mokuwa Roland Suluku (2015)Village response to Ebola Virus Disease in Rural Eastern Sierra Leone. Retrieved from .Journal of Anthropological Clinical research.
Paul Richards, Joseph Amara, Esther Mokuwa, Alfred Mokuwa Roland Suluku (2015) Village response to Ebola Virus Disease in Rural Central Sierra Leone. An interim report to SMAC Program, DFID Freetown.Retrieved from . Journal of Anthropological Clinical Research.
Paul Richards, Joseph Amara, Esther Mokuwa, Alfred Mokuwa Roland Suluku (2015)Village responses to Ebola Virus Disease and its Prevention. Eight Interim reports tp SMAC program, DFID Freetown. Retrieved from
Paul Richards, Joseph Amara, Esther Mokuwa, Alfred Mokuwa Roland Suluku (2015) Village response to Ebola Virus Disease in Rural Eastern Sierra Leone. Second interim report to SMAC program, DFID Freetown. Retrieved from -disease-in-rural-eastern-sierra -Leone.
Roland Suluku1, Ibrahim AB2, Jonathan J2, Felixtina JE3 (2013).The Use of Animal Health Club to Promote Rabies Awareness and Control in Sierra Leone. Journal of Epizootiology and Animal Health in West Africa 9(2013):125-135.www.vardsolutions.com/eahw
Muhammad Munir, Siamak Zohari, Roland Suluku, Neil LeBlane, Saidu Kanu, Francis AR.Sankoh, Mikael Berg, Mohamed L.Barrie, and Karl Stahl (2012).Genetic Characterization of Peste des Petit Ruminant Virus, Sierra Leone Emerg Infect Dis,2012 Jan:18(1);193-195.doi;doi:10.3201/eid1801.11304PMCID:PMC3310125 Date:Jan 2012 Source Volume:18 Source Issue:1Journal of Emerging Infection Disease.
Roland Suluku1, Ibrahim Abu-Bakarr2, Jonathan Johnny2, ProfF.Jonsyn-Ellis3 (2012).Post- War Demographic and Ecological Survey of Dog Population and Their Human Relationships in Sierra Leone. (A case study of Urban Freetown) Science Journal of Agricultural Research and Management ISSN:2276-8572.http:www.sjpub.org/sjarm-282.pdf Volume 2012,Article IDsjarm-282,7 pages,2012.doi:10.7237/sjarm/282
Roland Suluku “Dogs of War” Animal Health Club Champions Rabies Prevention to Protect Livelihoods and Lives in Sierra Leone published (2010).FAO Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department. Updated 25th September 2012. Retrieved from of Animal Production and Health Division FAO.
Roland Suluku ", Dogs of War" Animal Health Clubs, are Working and a New Generation of Young People are becoming Empowered(2010).FAO Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department.Animal Production and Health Published (2010).Updated 25th September 2012.Retrieved from Journal of Animal Production and Health Division FAO
Roland Suluku “, Dogs of War "Animal Health Clubs, are protecting Livelihoods, Food Security and Lives (2010) FAO Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department. Animal Production and Health Published (2010).Updated 25th September 2012.Retrieved from Journal of Animal Production and Health Division FAO
Saidu Kanu, Roland Suluku, Abdul Rahman Sesay and Jesse.P.J.Nyandebo (2009).Diagnosis of Egg Drop Syndrome in Small Rural Poultry Farms. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology.ISSN:2075-6402,NJAST Volume 1 page 96-105