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Dr. Joseph Sherman-Kamara
Senior Lecturer and Formal Acting DVC NJala Campus(2019-2020)

Dr Joseph Sherman-Kamara is Currently the Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Commission in Sierra Leone. He is on leave of absence from ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, where he held various academic and administrative positions including Deputy Vice Chancellor of the ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus (June 2018 - February 2020), Director of Research and Development, (2017 - 2020) and Head of Department, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Laboratory of Postharvest Food and Bioprocess Engineering in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

Dr. Sherman-Kamara's professional interests include ongoing research in the field of postharvest and bioprocessing technologies and has published extensively in various peer reviewed journals and other scientific media.

His teaching experience spans more than 20 years of work at ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, where he has taught many courses in crop drying, crop processing and material handling, crop storage, and crop preservation, design of agricultural and food processing machines, management of postharvest systems, postharvest biotechnology, renewable energy technologies, etc., to sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

Dr. Sherman-Kamara has played leading roles in various technical evaluations and in-depth institutional assessments for international, private and public sector institutions. He has designed and implemented a range of training programmes in various aspects of agriculture, postharvest and agroprocessing systems for youth and adult farmers, within formal and informal settings.

Dr. Sherman-Kamara has served as a member of ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Senate and Court for several years, where he participated in key committees linked mainly to Quality Assurance and Research Management. As Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Committee, he facilitated the institutionalization of Quality Assurance in the University. He currently provides support as Senior Project Adviser to ongoing the Assuring Quality Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) project. He has served as Project Counterpart for four successive Technical Cooperation projects since 2014 in the field of crop improvement for the enhancement of postharvest quality of rice and cassava in Sierra Leone.



Contact Info
+232 78 803887
+232 79 441118
Oct. 1993 – July 1999, B.Sc. Agricultural Education (Div 1), ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University College, University of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Oct. 2001 – Sept 2002, M.Sc. Agric. Engineering (Postharvest Technology.), ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University College, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
Oct. 2006 – Sept 2009, Ph.D. Agriculture (Functional Genomics & Biotechnology), The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University,

Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. Kamara, J.S.,Μύ Hoshino, M.ΜύΜύ Satoh, Y.,Μύ Nayar, N., Takaoka, M., Sasanuma, T. and Abe, T 2009. Japanese sake-brewing rice cultivars show high levels of globulin-like protein and a chloroplast stromal hsp70. Crop Science, 2009. 49:2198-2206).
  2. Kamara, J.S., Konishi, S. Sasanuma, T. and Abe, T. 2010. Variation in free amino profile among some rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Breeding Science, 2010. 60:46-45.
  3. Kamara, J.S., Kanteh, S.M., Bockari-Gevao, S.M., Jalloh, S. 2014. Infestation, Population Density and Sterilization Effects on Rice Weevils (Sitophilus oryzae L.) in Stored Milled Rice Grains in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2014, 4(1): 19-23.
  4. Kanteh, S.M, Norman, J.E., and Kamara, J.S., 2014. Effect of Plant Density and Weeding Regime on Population and Severity of Aphids (Aphis craccivora Koch) and Foliage Beetles (Ootheca mutabilis Sahl) on Cowpea in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 4(1): 24-33.
  5. Kamara, J.S. and Alie G. 2014 The influence of germination time on some physical properties of paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Postharvest Technology. Journal of Postharvest Technology 02 (04): 213-222, October’ 2014.
  6. Kamara, J.S., Bockari-Gevao, S.M., Luseni P.J., Leigh, A.U. and Cooke, R.A., 2014. A national survey of rice (oryza sativa l.) grain quality in Sierra Leone I: perception of traders and consumers. African Journal of Food AgricultureΜύ Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), Volume 14(4):9117-9135.
  7. Kamara, J.S. 2015. A national survey of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain quality in Sierra Leone II: evaluation of physical grain quality. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 12/2015; 15(5):10559-10578.
  8. Kangoma, E., Blango, M.M., Rashid-Noah, A.B., Kamara, J.S., Juana P. Moiwo, and Kamara, Alie. Irrig. and Drain. 2017. Potential of biochar-amended soil to enhance crop productivity under deficit irrigation DOI: 10.1002/ird.2138
  9. Sesay, J.V., Gado, G., Nicole, Y., Kamara, J.S. and Quee, D.D. 2018. Development of in vitro propagation protocol for some recalcitrant cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genotypes in Sierra Leone African Journal of Biotechnology 17(18):606-613 DOI: 10.5897/AJB2017.16330

Non-Refereed Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops


  1. Sesay, J.V. and Kamara, J.S. Introducing plant tissue culture for crop improvement in Sierra Leone: prospects and challenges. 3rd Annual Research Conference 21st – 23rd ΜύMarch 2017 FBC, USL, Sierra Leone.
  2. Kallon A. and Kamara J.S. Factors influencing the strength of cassava bread produced in Sierra Leone. 3rd Annual Research Conference 21st –23rd March 2017 FBC, USL, Sierra Leone.
  3. Kamara, J.S.; Higarashi, K.; Sasanuma, T; Abe, T.2; Moreno J.L. and Dufour, D. Enhancing the quality of germinated brown rice products through nutrient based germination processing technique. 3rd Annual Research Conference 21st –23rd March 2017 FBC, USL, Sierra Leone.
  4. Kamara, J.S; Mansaray, B.; Kanu, M.S., Bangura, P., Kamara, N. and Massaquoi, S. The impact of Agricultural Business Centres on the rice postharvest system of Sierra Leone. 3rd Annual Research Conference 21st – 23rd March 2017 FBC, USL, Sierra Leone.
  5. Turay F., Kamara, J.S. and Bangura, J.V. The Effect of Processing Methods on the Quality of Cocoa Beans. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement Second ΜύAnnual Conference 3rd – 5thΜύ May 2016. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  6. Moseray, A.H., Allie G. and Kamara, J.S. Effect of some Physical Properties and Cassava variety on the Performance of a Motorized Cassava Peeler. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement Second Annual Conference 3rd – 5th May 2016. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  7. Allie, G., Kamara, J.S. and Cooke, R.A.C. Hydration Properties of Some Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Sierra Leone. Oral Presentation. Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers July 13 – 16th , Montreal, Canada. Μύ
  8. Bockari-Gevao, S.M., Kamara, J.S. and Kamara, S.A. Comparison of an Improved Method and the Traditional Method of Palm Oil Extraction in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  9. Kamara, J.S., Mansaray, S. and Bockari-Gevao, S.M. Influence of Pod Storage Duration, Washing Treatment, and Drying Method on Some Properties of Cocoa Beans. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  10. Kamara, J.S.; Bockari-Gevao, S.M.; and Kanu, O.A. A Comparative Study of an Improved Steam Parboiling System and the Traditional Immersion Parboiling System for Rice in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  11. Kanteh, S.M.; Norman, J.E.; Kamara, J.S. and Kassoh, A.F. Effect of Saim Weed (Chromolaena Odorata) Leaf Mulch Rates on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Cowpea in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  12. Kanteh, S.M.; Norman, J.E.; Kamara, J.S. and Mattia, S.B. Evaluation of Organic Mulch for Control of Aphis Craccivora Koch and Ootheca Mutabilis Sahl in Cowpea in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  13. Kanu, S.; Kamara J.S.; Bockari-Gevao S.M. and Lumeh, H.I. The Effect of Variety and Solar Drying Method on the Sensory Qualities of Cassava Flour Products. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  14. Mansaray, B.; Kamara, J.S. and Bockari-Gevao, S.M. Technical and Financial Analysis of Rice Postproduction Operations at Community-Based Agricultural Business Centres (ABC) in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  15. Senesie, T.; Koroma, B.M.; Kamara, J.S.; Kamara, A.; and Momoh, R.R. (2014). Challenges Facing Academic Advancement in Sierra Leone. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University Society for Academic Advancement First Annual Conference 28-30th January 2014 ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus Sierra Leone.
  16. Kamara, JS, (2012) The Crop Postharvest Subsector of Sierra Leone: Tackling the Challenges of Food Security and Commercialization. Oral Presentation – International Training Course on Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Community. Jan 2012, Conference Hall, ΝαΝαΒώ»­ University. ΝαΝαΒώ»­ Campus, Sierra Leone.
  17. Kamara, JS, (2011) Overview of rice grain quality in Sierra Leone. Oral Presentation National Project Launching Workshop on CIDA-funded Project on Rice Policy and Postharvest Improvement in Africa. Aug 2011 Santano House, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
  18. Kamara, JS, (2010) Application of basic biotechnology for the enrichment of rice in Sierra Leone. Oral Presentation at National Food Fortification Seminar. Mamba point, Aug 2010, Freetown, Sierra Leone
  19. Kamara, JS, Sasanuma, T and Abe, T (2009) Expression of globulin-like protein and chloroplast stromal hsp70 protein among sake brewing rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Poster Presentation– JSB-JSCSΜύ Joint Conference (B057A) Tsukuba International Congress Centre, March 27 – 28, 2009Tsukuba City, Japan.
  20. Kamara, JS, Comparison of soluble sugar and free amino acid concentration among rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars. Oral Presentation at JSB 116thConference, Hokkaido National University, Sept 24 - 27 2009Sapporo City, Japan.
  21. Kamara, JS, Sato, Y, Sasanuma, T and Abe, T (2008) Identification of specific proteins in sake-brewing and floury cultivars in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Oral Presentation– JSB 114thConference, The University of Shiga Prefecture, Oct. 11 – 12 2008 Hikone City, Japan.
  22. Kamara, JS, Nayar, N., Abe, T (2007) Selection of short culm and low amylose lines through somaclonal variation from rice var. Sasanishiki. Oral presentation at JSB111thConference Ibaraki University, March 30 – 31 2007 Mito City, Japan. Breeding Science 9(1) 2007.
  23. Kamara, JS, Nayar, N., Abe, T (2007) Sugar content and specific proteins in rice variety Ayunohikari. Oral Presentation– JSB 112th Conference Yamagata University, Sept. 22 – 27 2007Tsuruoka City, Japan.

