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Dr. Augustine B. Rashid-Noah

Dr. Augustine B. Rashid-Noah holds a BSc degree in Agriculture General from the University of Sierra Leone; PG Diploma in Tropical Crop Storage and Processing from the National College of Agricultural Engineering, UK; MSc in Agricultural Engineering(Tropical Agricultural Mechanization option) from Reading University and Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering (Soil & Water) from McGill University; Training certificates in ''On-Farm Water Management'' from the International Irrigation Center, Utah State University and in ''The use of nuclear and related techniques to increase water use efficiency in rain-fed and irrigated agriculture'' from the FAO/IAEA Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf, Austria; Certificate in ''Farm machinery use and maintenance'',Ìý from Massey-Fergusson Training Centre, Stoneleigh, UK. He is a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).

Appreciation of computer use and application, including MS Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet,Ìý and professional applications in the Soil and Water Engineering specialism.

Dr. Rashid-Noah is currently a retired Senior Lecturer (on extension contract appointment) in Soil and Water Engineering in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, School of Technology, having taught for a period spanning at least 36 years. Academic programmes to which he has contributed range from sub-degree Certificate in Agriculture to PhD in Agricultural Engineering. He was a visiting professor to the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) in Canada. He has held several administrative/academic positions within the University, including Head of Department, foundation dean of the School of Technology and membership/chairmanship of several statutory and ad-hoc committees.

Dr. Rashid-Noah has served as university counterpart or leader of several international collaborative projects, includingÌýAgricultural and Environmental Benefits From Biochar Use in ACP Countries (BeBi Project), supported under the ACP Science and Technology Programme; Energy Conversion and Management Project, Sierra Leone, University of Sierra Leone-Technical University of Nova Scotia research and development link project supported by CIDA; Inland Valley Water Management Project (SIL/008), supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Dr. Rashid-Noah's research and development interests include Inland valley swamp (IVS) hydrology; Development and transfer of small-scale irrigation/water management technologies; Development of runoff and soil erosion measuring equipment; IVS assessment for integrated agriculture-aquaculture use; Feasibility studies for climate change adaptation through water harvesting. Current research efforts are focused on the development of a technology for research on rainfall runoff and soil erosion and on the development of a mobile sprinkler irrigation technology. As a contribution to community outreach, Dr. Rashid-Noah served as a consultant or lead consultant for several local and international organizations including Sierra Leone's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS), African Development Bank (AfDB),Ìý International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) and World Fish Center.Ìý ÌýHe has authored published works for FAO, MAFFS, Africa Rice (formerly West Africa Rice Development Association), IFAD and World Fish Center; the works include project/programme review reports, training manuals, bankable project profiles and project feasibility assessment studies. Ìý

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Contact Info
+232 77 800 525
PhD in Agricultural Engineering (Soil & Water), McGill University
MSc in Agricultural Engineering(Tropical Agricultural Mechanization option), Reading University
PG Diploma in Tropical Crop Storage and Processing, National College of Agricultural Engineering, UK
BSc degree in Agriculture General, University of Sierra Leone

Technical reports/publications

1. ÌýRashid-Noah, A.B., Johnny, M., Olapade, J., Philips, M.J. and Siriwardena, S.N. (2018). Inland Valley Swamp Assessment in Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2018-01.Ìý www.worldfishcenter.org

2. Emmanual Kangoma, Mohamed Blango, Augustine B. Rashid-Noah, Joseph Sherman-Kamara, Juana P. Moiwo and Alie Kamara.(2017). Potential of Biochar-amended Soil To Enhance Crop Productivity Under Deficit Irrigation. Irrig. and Drain.(2017). Published Online inÌý Wiley Online Library(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI:10.1002/rd.2138.

3. Rashid-Noah, A.B. (2008). Rhombe swamps and Rolako area Irrigation Feasibility Study Completion Report. Submitted to the African Development Bank, August 2008.

4. ÌýSustainable Land and Water Resources Development. NEPAD-CAADP Bankable Projects Profile. FAO Publication, March 2005 (Authored by Rashid-Noah, A.B.)

5. Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management. In: National Medium Term Investment Programme. Support to NEPAD-CAADP Implementation, GOSL. FAO Publication, March 2005. (Authored by Rashid-Noah, A.B.)

6. Rashid-Noah, A.B. (2004). Strategy brief for sustainable land and water management in support of national food security and agricultural development. Horizon 2015: Sierra Leone. Submitted to FAO, Freetown, Sierra Leone, March/April 2004.

7. Bockari-Gevao, S.M. and Rashid-Noah, A.B. (2004). Field Performance Evaluation of Two Human-powered Weeding Devices in Sierra Leone. Journal of the Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka 8: 24-30.

7. Rashid-Noah, A.B. (1999). The state of the art in lowland research and development undertaken by ÍáÍáÂþ»­ University College staff:Ìý Hydrology and Water Management. In: State of the Art at the national level for inland valley development in Sierra Leone. Final Report (Lamin et al, Eds). Consortium for the Sustainable Use of Inland Valley Agro-systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. IVC/WARDA Publication, May 1999.

8. Rashid-Noah, A.B. (1995). Survey and Development of Uplands for Rice Production. WARDA Training Guide No. 3, ISBN 92 9113 0915, West Africa Rice Development Association, 1995.

9. Rashid-Noah, A.B.(1995). Survey and Development of Lowlands for Rice Production. WARDA Training Guide No. 4, ISBN 92 9113 0931, West Africa Rice Development Association, 1995.

10. Rashid-Noah, A.B., Broughton, R.S. and Bernhard von Hoyningen Huene (1987). Droughtiness in sandy soils affected by depth of sub-surface drains. In: Proceedings, Third International Workshop on Land Drainage. The Ohio State University, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Columbus, Ohio, USA. December 7-11, 1987.
