Dr. Mathew Didlyn Kpundeh is a lecturer and researcher at حلحلآ» University attached to the department of aquaculture and fisheries management, school of NRM. Dr. Kpundeh has been lecturing courses in healthy aquaculture practices, Fish Nutrition, fish systematics & applied ecology for almost ten years. He is the coordinator for students’ internship program in the same department. He has published and co-authored articles in SCI Journals and contributed chapters in published books and technical manuals (for CORAF & FAO). His works has been cited in many related Journals. He is a member of the biotechnology laboratory team in charge of healthy breeding at the Freshwater Fisheries Research Centre in Wuxi, PR China, versatile in aquatic environment and life science research. Dr. Kpundeh is experience with: HACCP Plan development & implementation, tuna data information systems, aquatic habitat surveys & fish taxonomy, environmental impact assessment of coastal and inland aquaculture related projects, fin clipping and fish DNA sample preservation; as a matter of fact, he pioneered the establishment of the only fish biological specimen museum in theآ NRM school through his extensive fisheries resource surveys with national and international fisheries scientists using research vessels and fishing boats. As an erudite dynamic scholar, Dr. Kpundeh has a good team spirit and partnership history working with different groups of scientists and have attended and presented scientific papers in international conferences. He has expertise in climate change adaptation & coastal vulnerability assessment, anthropogenic activities and their impacts on coastal marine environment. Dr. Kpundeh has experience using innovative methods to improve fish feed intake and resistance against streptococcus inane infection. He has research experience on phytoremediation of polluted waters. He is a member of the NUNC students discipline committee and has reviewer and editorial skills for the publication of scientific papers. Dr. Kpundeh was part of the technical committee that reviewed the 1994 Sierra Leone fisheries policy. He has facilitated several developmental interventions during his roles as national program development consultant for Apples Sierra Leone (ASL); as EIA engineer and field coordinator for حلحلآ» Environmental Technicians (NET); as Aquaculture consultant for the CORAF/WECARD MDTF Project on Integrated Aquaculture in Sierra Leone; as the fish environmental scientist under the EU funded ISFM project in Sierra Leone. Currently, Dr. Kpundeh is an associate consultant at Planning Green Future SL Ltd. He is the co-founder of Sierra Enviro-Hope, an organisation that focuses on Environmental education, advocacy & research. Dr. Kpundeh is currently interested in fish nutrition, healthy breeding of local fish species, ecological aquaculture model, phytoremediation potentials of local plants, and climate change impact on fisheries related researches .You are most welcome to work and collaborate with Dr. MD Kpundeh.
Dr. Mathew Didlyn Kpundeh
Head of Department - Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
Contact Info
B Sc. Hons. (Environmental Sciences)
M Sc. (Aquaculture & Fisheries Management) - (NU, SL)
PGD United Nations University, Iceland
PhD (Aquaculture)-NAU, PR. China
PG. Certs. (HACCP & MAPP)-FJIO, PR. China